01 March 2008

with emphasis on occasional

So there went February, and it didn't even slow down to enjoy its extra day.

Here's the update:
--Research at DCHS keeps a perky pace, new requests of all sorts coming in all the time. Tremendous variety of inquiries; I'm learning a lot while trying to keep up with them all! Being away for a while didn't help!...
--Washington DC: I spent two weeks at the National Archives and Library of Congress for a crash course in all things archival (titled the Modern Archives Institute): from the general overview to appraisal to processing to arrangement and description to preservation and lots more in-between. I'm preparing a report for a staff meeting this next week; I'll post more when my report is polished, including the rare manuscripts and books we saw in the Archives II facility (in maryland) and at the Library of Congress.
--I resigned at Central Church last week. Laura and I feel that with a new baby on the way in the summer the time was coming. The new minister starts in March (I guess its March now, see how quickly February went!), so we went ahead and did it now rather than waiting a few more months. I deeply loved teaching, but a man can only do so much in a week. I honestly don't know how we managed two children, my two jobs, my coursework at Lipscomb, Laura's piano lessons every evening. I do know that we will never try to balance all of that, or as much as that, again.
--Yes, a new baby. Girl or boy remains a mystery, but we'll pass along the news when we find out. Speaking of, cheers to the Cotten's upon the birth of twin girls yesterday (a fine birthday if I do say so myself)!
--With the baby on the way, my study will relocate downstairs to what is now our dining room. The partitioned wall between the dining and living rooms will get a built in bookcase facing the living room while the dining room (sans table and chairs) will get floor to ceiling shelves. The dining room table will go in our bedroom sitting area as a desk for Laura and the chairs will be scattered to the four winds and who knows where in the house they will land.
--My study will lose about 1/3 of its books. Deep sigh and long, tearful pause... So when I say we are simplifying our lives, I'm putting some teeth in it by culling out some books.
--Still have all ten fingers in spite of the table saw, and we have (BIG thanks to my Dad for helping out a couple Saturdays) a new floor in the kitchen and sun room. Perhaps photos will be forthcoming.
--Next up are those shelves, daunting task, but I can do it.

and so to bed.

grace and peace.

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