03 October 2007

Are your church records safe?


I don't know about the records of the Commerce Church of Christ near Watertown (east of Nashville near Lebanon), but I suspect that if a fire (or flood, or tornado, or...) were to destroy most any church building, the records of membership, baptisms, and ministry would not survive.

If you have, or know of anyone who has, valuable congregational records, please contact me at Disciples of Christ Historical Society. Upon donation, your irreplaceable congregational records will be properly sorted, processed, filed and boxed. They will then be housed in a climate-controlled and access-controlled secure environment in perpetuity. Here they will be available to researchers, genealogists, church historians and students such as contact me for research assistance on a daily basis.

McGarvey Ice
Public Services Archivist
Disciples of Christ Historical Society
1101 19th Avenue, South
Nashville, TN 37212-2196
The Future of History

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