sitz im leben blogeschichte
Having caught your attention with the title for this post, I want to raise a question and then return to a fine Saturday with the family.
Blogging is a curious thing, isn't it. Reading what some people put on their blogs, (or what I put on my own for that matter) I often wonder what is going through their heads. Why write this or that? Why not write something else or another thing? Why this quote or that blurb, or this clip from Youtube or that illustration or picture? Why include these links to websites or blogs? What is the sitz im leben (the situation in life) which gives rise to blogging?
And furthermore, why put such on the internet so everyone, their sister and the dog can read it? And even beyond that, why do we read this stuff that everyone, their sister and the dog blog about?
What is that prompts people to blog what they blog, and what is it about blogging that makes us read them, or worse, subscribe to them?
No answers this cool(er) afternoon in Middle Tennessee, just questions. Don't waste your time trying to deconstruct the title of this post; or, even better, have fun trying to deconstruct the title of this post.
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