12 April 2006

The Noble Tester Collection

Sunday afternoon was a real treat. I attended a reception at the Society celebrating the acquisition of the Noble Tester Collection of Illustrated Sermon Charts.

The children of Noble Tester donated to the Disciples Historical Society several large and well-illustrated sermon charts. The charts, from the later 1940's, are fabulously preserved and splendidly executed on bed sheets. Noble used them in preaching revivals, gospel meetings throughout eastern Kentucky, eastern Tennessee, Indiana, Georgia and points between and beyond. Noble minstered for many years among Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (instrumental).

His charts are a fine example of preaching and practice in the life of the church in the 1940's-1950's. Clint Holloway did a masterful job contextualizing Tester's life and ministry. The charts are now on display throughout the Society building. Many more photos will be online, along with Clint's essay, soon.

This is but one example of the sort of thing I look forward to being involved in. Acquisitioning a superb collection of material, making it accessible, interpreting its value and significance for the history of the church and the life of the church, and sharing the experience with many fine people.

Grace and peace.

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